Radiotherapy is one of the most comprehensive therapies used to treat cancer. It comprises using radiations in its different forms like x-rays, gamma rays, particles, etc. This radiation destroys tumors either alone or combined with surgery or chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is either internal, i.e., brachytherapy, or external, i.e., teletherapy.

Teletherapy has been defined as “the application of telecommunications technology to the delivery of professional services at a distance by linking clinician to client, or clinician to clinician, for assessment, intervention, and/or consultation.” In a nut shell, it’s an online therapy.

Traveling to the office for therapy is often complicated, and it takes more time, and for people, it is not possible. But with modern technology, it is possible that clinicians can connect to clients no matter where they live.

How does it work?

The most frequently used radiotherapy is used in cancer treatment, and the cobalt unit typically gives it. It delivers high-energy gamma rays or a linear accelerator with high-energy x-rays or electrons. In the most ordinary scheme, treatment is given daily for 4-8 weeks.

To convey even a dose of radiation to the target, which may be several centimeters thick, the radiation source is placed at a distance from the patient (80-150cm). Healthy tissue, including skin in the beam’s path, can also be irradiated and exposed. To lessen this effect, higher energy is used for profound tumors. The treatment is delivered from different angles, maximizing the dose at the intersection.

Benefits of teletherapy:

  • Teletherapy removes transportation concerns.
  • A good option for remote areas.
  • Affordable and convenient.
  • It eliminates the cost of gas.
  • Eliminates the hassle.
  • For medically fragile patients.
  • It helps the children generalize their goals.
  • It allows parents to apply plans to their everyday life.
  • Always on schedule.
  • Provides a patient in their treatment.
  • Information becomes more accessible.
  • It gives the patient to take control of their progress.
  • More comfortable for the parents and children.
  • It provides and depicts the scene view of the therapy process.
  • Permits the whole family to be involved.
  • Economical.

Drawbacks of teletherapy:

  • Some insurance companies will not cover e-therapy.
  • Online therapy cannot respond to a crisis.
  • It is not suitable for patients with severe conditions.
  • Sometimes there is a lack of important information.
  • Ethical and legal concerns pose potential problems.

Modern teletherapy techniques:

3D conformal radiotherapy technique, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, and image-guided radiotherapy acquire the target’s right and exact shaping. As a result, it receives the prescribed dose of radiation.

These techniques allow radiotherapy to convey a lower radiation dose to healthy tissues and a higher dose to a tumor.

Patients receiving radiotherapy feel no physical sensation when exposed to radiation. It resembles very much having x-rays. Besides that, there are side effects. In rapidly dividing tissues such as mucosa and skin, the early reaction is similar to a sunburn. In moderately dividing cells to those in the kidney or vasculature that assist the brain and spinal cord, the tolerance to radiation is low.

It’s being treated above a certain threshold; the patients are at the risk of developing effects that appear later in life.

Modern technology allows the sparing of vital organs. Another essential tool is radio-biological research, which helps select the best treatment schemes.


Duckworth said, the uptake for teletherapy is slow right now, but he believes it will quickly speed up as people become more familiar with the benefits, and as insurance companies begin paying for it.


“I think this is a cultural evolution, and I think it’s going to take some time,” he said.

It is one of the most crucial tech development for mental health. With time, society has become more evolved about the role of mental health care. As a result, the demand for therapists will be increasing. However, the number of these providers isn’t growing to meet the patients’ needs.

The most significant benefit of this therapy is that y don’t need to travel, and you can have a session from wherever you are.

Stay tuned for more updates!

I have a MBBS from King Edward Medical University and did my clinical training at Pakistan’s Mayo Hospital, one of the most prestigious medical institutions in South Asia. My passion for medicine led...

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